PlatformDLL Library to develop your own PC applications

CAUTION! If you do not develop your own PC applicationusing electronic decades, You do not need this!
How to control PC over a decade, seeTHIS.

function library

Quick chart on:

DLL library for direct communication with the decade exposes functions for automated Decade is through the user software and USB interface. using the library You can connect and use an unlimited number of decades in a single application environment. The library is fully compatible with all types of decades BASIC and PRO series, including variants FULL and LITE. Test program "ELDEC Interface X.XX - Example" allows quick introduction to library functions. To loose the source code can be directly establish development own applications.

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DLL library download.

Sample PC applications for download.

Sample aplication ELDEC Interface

thermal protection

Automatic temperature protection switches in case of possible damage electronic decade. (More)

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