10 benefits of our decades ..

Currently, the market measuring techniques are two types decades. The first type consists of quality laboratory decades with a wide range of features and a rich feature set, However, their price is in the order of 10-thousand CZK. The second type consists of standard mechanical decades, which was of its nature characterized by a complex setting values​​, low life and bring users all the necessary funkce.Výhody our decades

Our aim is:

  • potential owners of expensive laboratory decades to offer functionally attractive alternative for a fraction of the price
  • potential owners of mechanical decades of high-quality and functionally much richer device for the same price

10 advantages..

proven platform

Our boxes are built on a platform DB running DBOS, whose foundation was created in 2008. Since then, the platform has undergone several developmental stages, when it was put constant emphasis on higher performance, higher reliability and lower cost. Today it can be considered an optimized and capable of deployment in a wide range of applications.

Up to 4 year warranty

On the decade up to 1000 hours of operation by the special extended warranty. (More)

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